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Pizza Peddles & Professors (Hosted by Cycle Sisters)

We are Ladies, who ride our bikes together in North Minneapolis and support Local Businesses!

We want to show other BIPOC women that biking as a mode of transportation doesn’t have to be something to be ashamed of, but instead, it can be stylish and cool!

During these events, we will listen to other needs around bicycle education, or interest among the participants to learn more in depth mechanic skills and offer continued education to those interested. 

These classes will offer general safety and mechanic information with the goal of empowering the folks that participate to feel confident fixing minor things on their bicycles, as well as feeling more confident while riding.

Meeting at the The Trailhead!

Come ride with us!

March 25

Pizza, Pedals & Professors (Hosted By Slow Roll Twin Cities)

March 25

Break The Cycle Career Expo