Bicycle Tech Lab


Bike Tech lab (B.T.L) is designed to offer bicycle maintenance educational courses to BIPOC community members interested in learning how to take care of their bicycle. Curriculum for B.T.L has been developed in partnership with QBP’s Break the Cycle curriculum and Barnetts Bicycle Institute’s B.A.M materials.

Learn To Tune Up Your Bicycle!


During each two hour B.T.L community members will go over specific topics of the bicycle maintenance. The goal is to empower those that attend the class to be able to preform basic repairs on their own bicycle

Attending all six of the B.T.L courses will allow community member to become eligible to qualify for the Quality Bicycle Products Mechanics Scholarship

These courses will be an ideal entry point into bicycle maintenance. The skills and resources will prepare those interested, in joining the cycling industry.

What this activity includes

  • Flat Fix Class

    One thing all cyclist have in common is that we all at one point get a flat while out riding. This class will help prepare for that moment, so that you have the knowledge to be able to continue the ride.

  • Derailleur Adjustment Class

    This will cover the topics of the rear gear cluster of the bicycle, also referred to as the cassette and derailleur.

  • Wheel Alignment Class

    This will cover topics of “truing” a wheel, and what it means for a wheel to be out of “dish” as well as how that can affect the entire bicycle.

  • Brake Adjustment Class

    This class will go over disc brake systems as well as cover topics around rim brake systems.

  • Bicycle Fit Class

    During these classes community members will be taught how to identify how their bicycle’s size contributes to the overall comfort of the experience.

  • Bearing Adjustment Class

    This class will go over all bearing systems of the bicycle.